Friday, June 27, 2008

The History

OK, for those of you who have no idea of what the Puma Llama Bandits is, I have one question to ask you... Why are you reading this blog?! Anyway, the Puma Llama Bandits was started because of a school project. My friend and I wanted to be co-leaders for the project, so we BOTH had responsibility for the name of our group. She wanted the name to have Puma Llama in it. (I think she was going through another one of her phases.) I wanted us to be named the Bandits. After a few minutes of arguing, I had an epiphany. What if we combined the names, and named our group the Puma Llama Bandits? She loved the idea, and that's how we were founded.

I, being the head leader, was dubbed the Head Puma, while she was dubbed the Vice Llama. The project was fun, and we each got two "minions". There were two Puma Bandits, or my "minions". Vice Llama had her two Llama Bandits. The project went well and soon, the Puma Llama Bandits were forgotten. Then, the next year, I , the Head Puma, created the Puma Llama Bandits on a Ning that some of us were on. Soon, others joined the Puma Llama Bandits, and we were regrouped. Some of the old three of the original quit. Two for sure, one undecided. NOw, we have this blog and our OWN Ning. The Puma Llama Bandits may not be greatly knonw, but who really cares about being known, we just want to have a group to call ourselves. Me and my friends.

-Luna, the Head Puma

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